After the twentieth achy pinch in my lower left side, I groaned at the idea of my menstrual cycle already at the door. I could feel it, this was going to be another bad period. All day I felt my ovaries and uterus! Drained and hurting, I ran around the house trying to get dinner together for the kids, pick up after their mess and get the little ones bathed so I could get to a place of rest.

My patience started to diminish as the whirlwind around me got louder. The baby crying, the pre-teens stirring each other up, the toddler wrestling with the dog… And my sweet husband, getting in the way every step as he tries to help with the load. Unfortunately for him, my hormones had already taken control. It wasn’t until after I’d snapped at him and he gave me his pained look, that I realized I was the only one in a bad mood.

Overstimulation is no joke, sometimes I feel like I actually could pull my hair out. Much to my chagrin, I remember my Mama saying the same thing when I was younger! But after the day settles and I’ve crawled from the bath to the bed cramped with 3 other bodies (husband, toddler, dog), I get a moment to reflect.

What could I have done to handle the stress better? Those momentary breaks when the kids are playing or napping, and the house is calm, I tend to find things to do to busy myself. Looking back, I kick myself for not taking advantage of the moment to relax and breathe. Mamas, Aunties, and women alike; if there’s one thing I’ve learned in all the chaos, it’s to rest when rest is given.

I can’t help but think of Elijah in the Bible.. 1 Kings 19:5-18 tells us that Elijah, in all of his exhaustion and fear; laid down under a juniper tree after running all day and begged God to die. “I have had enough, Lord! Take my life. I am no better than my ancestors.” Taking the moment he had, he fell asleep. God then sent an angel to feed him a cake baked over coals and water for his head and thirst. He fell asleep again and was woken once again by the angel, who fed Elijah so he would be strong for his next travel.

Even in all the anxiety and depression Elijah felt, even as he ran for his life, God was there with him. A plan in the works, he guided Elijah to a safe location from his enemies to give him rest and nurture. Though Elijah probably felt he was at the end, the Lord was working on a whole new beginning..that plan included rest and food, twice!

Now I realize my trials are not on the same level as Elijah’s but stress is stress people! I definitely believe God sent me that reflection, I specifically remember asking Him under my breathe all day to get me through! In those moments of calm, the anxiety definitely fades. It’s a good reminder going forward, to not forget to pray for those gifts as well as be aware of when they’re given. I love my godchildren so much and I’m thankful for every moment with them, especially the calm ones!

If you feel like you’re on your last leg, ready to just collapse and cry, and the chaos is surrounding you and the laundry is four baskets backed up, and the baby just had a blow out all over her walker, it’s important to remember that God has rest waiting for you. It may be after the storm, after dinner, or even during nap time, either way rest is coming! Not only will He care for you in your weakness, He’ll prepare you for the next travel! Stay strong, always pray, eat and rest. Also, kiss your husband for making you cheese quesadillas after you were mean to him! 😅